Friday, January 24, 2014

Absurd Charges Part 6 - The Smoking Gun

This Week's Actual Example

It's a sunny suburban Saturday morning. Your car's getting a service. The wife comes home from shopping and you borrow her car to visit a mate. Random breath test. "Ha! I'm sober! Happy to blow into the bag". The police are bored, mechanical, lethargic - just doing their job, you tell yourself. But then, suddenly, they're yelling, screaming, drawing their guns - pointing them at you! They're dragging you from your car. "Get up against the wall!" Handcuffs are out, your arms are being twisted painfully. You're bewildered, frightened, in shock. What they hell could this be? Why are they doing this? You struggle to get your arms free. "What are you doing? You're breaking my arms! What the f&%%$$##@ are you doing!" More police, rushing in. You blackout as they jump on you, crushing you to the ground.

The two plastic toy guns are still in the packet, sitting on the backseat where your wife had left them after shopping at Woolworths that morning. They came with "authentic cowboy holsters" with genuine imitation cowskin - top of the line at $6.99 a piece.  But your two young sons won't be playing Cowboys and Indians with these beauties today- they're now evidence in the case against you for assault police, resist arrest and possession of  replica weapons! (yes, this really happened...)

What's Wrong with this Scenario?

Woolworths may charge a bit too much, and yes, they often don't have enough staff on weekends - but Arms Dealers to children??!! Surely not!

Court Dude's Solution

Only two ways to go here - either ban children from playing Cowboys and Indians and make it a criminal offence to supply them with arms, or - employ smarter police who can tell the difference between a replica weapon and a plastic cowboy gun in a fake-cowskin holster.

There's always playstation...

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